The Greenlands

The Bestiary

The Greenlands is a place rich in heroes and other creatures. This Greenlands bestiary is being added-to on an ongoing basis. You are very welcome to make your own (credited) entry, as well. If you wish to make a 'guest entry', just use our contact form and we will send you our guidelines.

The Giant Folk

An old giants weapon abandoned

Giants are humanoid beings standing anywhere between 4 meters and 20 meters high. Some look just like humans, others do not. It seems to be a matter of choice what they look like. They may alter their appearance by the use of magic and illusion  more ...

Huge giant wanders the world
Huge giant wanders the world

The Queen of the Fairies

The Queen of the Fairies

The Queen of the Fairies is said to be a beautiful creature of great majesty. She is said to wear floating garments and flowers in her hair. The Queen is variously represented as  more ...

queen of the fairies
queen of the fairies

The Mermaid

The Mermaid

A mermaid is a female whose top half is a human girl and bottom half is a fish. Tales of mermaids abound around the world, but most particularly in Middle Earth. They are usually seen as  more ...

On The Rocks
On The Rocks

The Witch

A witch

A ‘witch’ is seen as a wicked, old, ugly woman with supernatural powers. Witches are usually portrayed as wearing  more ...

A moonlit night
A moonlit night

The Selkie

The Sad Eyes of the Selkie

Selfie folk are shapeshifters. They live most of their lives as seals, but, from time to time, they come to shore, shrug off their sealskins and dance, or explore, while in the shape of humans. These selkies, when in human form, are said to be  more ...

Stormy gray seas
Stormy gray seas

The Troll

adult troll

Trolls are usually seen as ugly, stupid and unevenly-tempered. Most people agree that they are very  more ...

Troll horns
Troll horns
a troll in a Forest
a troll in a Forest

The Banshee

Artists rendition of Banshee

The banshee is a female spirit connected to Irish burial tumuli. Her most common appearance is said to be that of wearing a green dress with an old grey cloak. A banshee is usually seen as an old woman with a haggard grey face. Some sightings insist, however, that their banshee is  more ...

Different types of banshee
Different types of banshee
Dark evenings
Dark evenings

The Baobhan Sith

Baobhan Sidhe

Baobhan Sith is Scottish Gaelic and actually means “Fairy Woman”. The word does not have an agreed upon spelling, only an agreed on pronunciation,  more ...

Signs of a Baobhan Sidhe
Signs of a Baobhan Sidhe
A stormy setting
A stormy setting

The Werewolf

The Werewolf

Werewolves are said to look just like a large wolf. They are, however, said, frequently to  more ...

Werewolf hands / paws
Werewolf hands / paws
Artist’s impression of a Werewolf turning
Artist’s impression of a Werewolf turning

The Pixie

Diverse Pixies

Pixies are of Celtic origin. There seems to be no clear origin for the word, no clear lineage to trace it to, it sort of surfaces all over England and Cornwall, where they were revered to as pigsies . The word is a little similar to the Irish Celtic (Goidelic) word, Aos Si, but this is inconclusive. Most accounts of pixies are  more ...

Pixie House
Pixie House
Contents of a pixie bag
Contents of a pixie bag

The Incubus

The Adult Incubus

Incubi are male demons who assault women in the night, when the women are in bed. Later societies have also developed the female attacker idea: succubi, but these demons are, for obvious reasons, seen as having less of an effect. As these male demons only come out at night, they are often seen as pale. Some societies, however, see them as dark, hairy and bat winged. All agree that these demons are fully the size of  more ...

Items in the Incubus’ Pouch
Items in the Incubus’ Pouch
Incubi uniforms
Incubi uniforms

The Goblin

Adult Goblin

Goblins are humanoid, but always seen as grotesquely ugly and often small. As they have no particular skills, they do not keep themselves neat and socially acceptable; their only acquaintance being others of their kidney. Hence they are renown for being unkempt, unwashed, smelly and generally hideous of  more ...

The Dwarf

The Dwarf

The dwarves of Middle Earth were humanoid, usually short and often hairy and ugly. As ‘dwarf’ was probably another name for the Norse ‘black elves’, they were dark coloured. Although dwarves were short, they were said to have superhuman strength. The Norse credited them with having the attributes of a knight, i.e. they were warriors. Dwarves were usually  more ...

The Elf

Elven bows and arrows

The origin of the word, Elf, in Norse, is Fair (or pale) Folk. Both the Norse and the Celts of Briton believed them human-shaped. Although the Celts originally thought them small, later ages re-envisaged them as normal, human sized. All of Middle Earth agreed that elves were beautiful. This beauty enabled the elves to seduce whom they would  more ...